.. _ci-jenkins: Zoe Continuous Integration with Jenkins ======================================= Overview -------- - Integrate Zoe repository to Jenkins and SonarQube - Each commit to Zoe repository trigger a build at Jenkins: - Run SonarQube Scanner to analyze the codebase - Create two containers for zoe-master, zoe-api - Run integration test [testing rest api] - Build new images if no errors happen - Deploy Zoe with latest images Software Stack -------------- - Jenkins - version 2.7.4 - SonarQube - version 6.1 Configuration ------------- - Jenkins: all the configurations in this section is configured on Jenkins Server - Required: - Plugins: Github plugin, SonarQube Plugin, Quality Gates, Email Plugin (optional), Cobertura Coverage Report (optional) - Softwares: Java, Python, Docker - Go to **Manage Jenkins**, then **Global Tool Configuration** to setup Java SDK, SonarQube Scanner - SonarQube server configuration: this aims to connect Jenkins and SonarQube together - Go to **Manage Jenkins** then **Configure System** - SonarQube servers: input name, server URL, server version, **sever authentication token** (created on SonarQube Server) - Quality Gates configuration: - Go to **Manage Jenkins** then **Configure System** - Quality Gates: input name, server URL, username and password to login into SonarQube server - Github Servers configuration: - Go to **Manage Jenkins** then **Configure System** - Github: **Add Github Server**, the API URL would be ``https://api.github.com``. The credentials creation is well defined in the document of Github plugin: - You can create your own [personal access token](https://github.com/settings/tokens/new) in your account GitHub settings. - Token should be registered with scopes: - admin:repo_hook - for managing hooks (read, write and delete old ones) - repo - to see private repos - repo:status - to manipulate commit statuses - In Jenkins create credentials as «Secret Text», provided by Plain Credentials Plugin - Create credentials for Github account: this is similar when you want to [connect to Github over SSH](https://help.github.com/articles/connecting-to-github-with-ssh/), here, beside adding your public key to Github, you also need to add your private key to Jenkins. - Create SSH key pair on the machine run Jenkins: - Add public key to Github - Add private key to Jenkins credentials - Create new item as a **freestyle project**: this aims to create a Jenkins job with the github repository - General - Select Github project - Insert project URL - Source Code Management - Select **Git** - Repositories - Repository URL: use **SSH URL** of Github repository - Credentials: select the one created above - Build Triggers - For Github plugin with version before 1.25.1: Select **Build when a change is pushed to Github** - For Github plugin with version from 1.25.1: Select **GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling** - Build - Add **Execute SonarQube Scanner** to do SonarQube Analysis - Add **Quality Gates** to break the build when the SonarQube quality gate is not passed - Add **Execute Shell** to run script for testing, deploying. Please refer to the Appendix section for the script. - Post-build Actions [Optional] - Add **Publish Covetura Coverage Report** for getting report from coverage. Due to the shell script in Appendix, the xml file generated by coverage is located at ``test`` folder, so, we should put ``**/tests/coverage.xml`` as the input of the field **Cobertura xml report pattern**. - Add **E-mail Notification** for notifying when jobs finish - Github - Add new SSH key (the one created on Jenkins server) - Go to the project (which is integrated to Jenkins) settings - Integration & Services - Add Service, choose **Jenkins (Github plugin)** - Add Jenkins hook url - For github plugin, this one would have the format: http://your-jenkins.com/github-webhook - In case your Jenkins doens't expose to the world, try https://ngrok.com/ - SonarQube: all the configurations in this section is configured on SonarQube Server - On **Administration**, go to **My Account**, then **Security** - Generate Tokens, copy this and paste to **server authentication token** on Jenkins configuration - The project needs to provides **sonar-properties** file in the repo:(http://docs.sonarqube.org/display/SCAN/Analyzing+with+SonarQube+Scanner) - Then, on System then Update Center, install two plugins for Python and TypeScript. Appendix -------- - Sonar properties files - Take a look at sonar-project.properties files in root, ``zoe_api``, ``zoe_master``, ``zoe_lib``, ``zoe_fe`` folders. - Execute Shell Script - Push this script inside the execute shell script of Jenkins job you created above, the zoe_rest_api can be changed in the ``test_config.py`` file. :: # Run Style checker for Sphinx RST documentation doc8 docs/ # Build new container images python3 ci/zoeci.py 1 tcp://$BUILD_ID # Deploy new zoe with the above images for testing python3 ci/zoeci.py 0 tcp:// ci/docker-compose-test.yml$BUILD_ID # Run integration test cd tests coverage run -p basic_auth_success_test.py coverage run -p cookie_auth_success_test.py coverage combine coverage xml cd .. # Push the built images above to local registry python3 ci/zoeci.py 2 tcp://$BUILD_ID # Redeploy zoe with new images python3 ci/zoeci.py 0 tcp:// ci/docker-compose-prod.yml$BUILD_ID - Screenshots - Jenkins Server configuration - Plugin configuration - Java SDK Configuration .. image:: imgs/1.java.config.png - SonarQube Scanner Configuration .. image:: imgs/1.2.sonar.config.PNG - SonarQube Server Configuration .. image:: imgs/2.sonar.config.png - Quality Gates Configuration .. image:: imgs/2.1.sonar.quality.gates.png - Github Server Configuration .. image:: imgs/4.1.github.server.config.png - Github Server Credential Creation .. image:: imgs/4.1.github.server.credential.png - Email Notification Configuration .. image:: imgs/3.email.config.png - Create Github credentials .. image:: imgs/4.github.credential.png - Create Freestyle project .. image:: imgs/5.1.freestyle.project.png .. image:: imgs/5.2.freestyle.project.png .. image:: imgs/5.3.freestyle.project.png .. image:: imgs/5.4.1.freestyle.project.png .. image:: imgs/5.4.2.freestyle.project.png .. image:: imgs/5.4.3.freestyle.project.png .. image:: imgs/5.5.freestyle.project.png - SonarQube Configuration .. image:: imgs/6.sonar.token.png - Github Repository Configuration - Create webhook service .. image:: imgs/7.github.repo.png - Create access token .. image:: imgs/7.1.github.access.token.png