Testing and quality assurance

Every commit that hits the master branch on the public repository of Zoe has to pass a testing gate.

All contributions to the codebase are centralised into an internal repository at Eurecom. There, every commit (on any branch) triggers a continuous integration pipeline that verifies code quality and runs tests. Only commits and merges on the master branch for which the Jenkins build succeeds are pushed to the public repository.

GitHub has been configured to protect the master branch on the Zoe repository. It will accept only pushes that are marked with a status check. This, together with Jenkins pushing only successful builds, guarantees that the quality of the published code respects our standards.

The CI pipeline in detail

Different contributors use different software for managing the CI pipeline.


SonarQube is a code quality tool that performs a large number of static tests on the codebase. It applies rules from well-known coding standards like Misra, Cert and CWE and generates a quality report.

We configured our test pipelines to fail if the code quality of new commits is below the following rules:

  • Coverage less than 80%
  • Maintainability worse than A
  • Reliability worse than A
  • Security rating worse than A


Sphinx documentation is tested with the doc8 tool with default options.

Integration tests

Refer to the Zoe Integration Tests documentation for details.

Zapp image vulnerability scan

We use clair, a vulnerability static analyzer for Containers from CoreOS, to analyze the Zoe Docker image before using it.

To scan the Zoe image (or any other Docker image) with clair, you can use the script below:

export imageID=`docker image inspect <your-registry-address>/zoe:$BUILD_ID | grep "Id" | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}' | awk -F ',' '{print $1}' | awk -F '"' '{print $2}'`
docker exec clair_clair analyzer $imageID

To start Clair and eventually add it to your Jenkins pipeline, check the files under the ci/clair folder.

RAML API description

Under the directory contrib/raml there is the RAML description of the Zoe API.