Internal API endpoint

The real API, exposed as web pages or REST API.

class zoe_api.api_endpoint.APIEndpoint(master_api, sql_manager: zoe_lib.state.sql_manager.SQLManager)

The APIEndpoint class.

execution_by_id(uid, role, execution_id) → zoe_lib.state.execution.Execution

Lookup an execution by its ID.

execution_delete(uid, role, exec_id)

Delete an execution.

execution_endpoints(uid: str, role: str, execution: zoe_lib.state.execution.Execution)

Return a list of the services and public endpoints available for a certain execution.

execution_list(uid, role, **filters)

Generate a optionally filtered list of executions.

execution_start(uid, role, exec_name, application_description)

Start an execution.

execution_terminate(uid, role, exec_id)

Terminate an execution.

service_by_id(uid, role, service_id) → zoe_lib.state.service.Service

Lookup a service by its ID.

service_list(uid, role, **filters)

Generate a optionally filtered list of services.

service_logs(uid, role, service_id)

Retrieve the logs for the given service. If stream is True, a file object is returned, otherwise the log contents as a str object.

statistics_scheduler(uid_, role_)

Retrieve statistics about the scheduler.


Validates the passed ZApp description against the supported schema.